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Want to participate in an Iyengar yoga class in New Zealand? Search our directory by teacher, studio or location to find a yoga class near you.

Attend an event or workshop

Certified Iyengar yoga teachers from Wellington, Auckland and around Aotearoa New Zealand regularly host yoga retreats and workshops. Find an Iyengar yoga event near you.

Yoga & Cycling Weekend in Central Otago

Join Jyoteeka for a 4 day weekend based in Lawrence, where you can enjoy the scenery while you yoga and cycle.

Pixie Lillas Spring Retreat

Enjoy the spring at Kimi Ora Eco Resort and relax with yoga and beautiful scenery.

Mana retreat with Glenn & Margaret Ceresoli

Enjoy a seven-day Residential Yoga Retreat at Mana Retreat Center, in the Heart of Coromandel.

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Iyengar Yoga practitioner or certified Iyengar Yoga teacher looking to join our community?

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