Meet Jude Folkard

Level 2

Ko Jude Folkard tōku ingoa. Ko Ngāti Porou; ko Ngāti Kahu; ko Te Rārawa; ko Ngāti Whītī rāua ko Ingarani ōku iwi. Tēnā koe; I have been a Yoga teacher for 30 years. Yoga Philosophy shapes my world view. Yoga is a lifetime of study and as I continue to practice and study the art and science of Yoga and Ayurveda in my daily life; my hope is to share this incredible knowledge with you.

Jude’s details

Locations Jude teaches

Indicates teacher's main studio

Auckland 48 Bodhisattva Rd Silverdale Auckland 994

159 Brightside Road, Stanmore Bay

Stadium Drive, Albany, Auckland 0632, New Zealand

Online Teaching

Jude offers online classes, get in touch to arrange a session.

Based in Auckland

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