Meet Luisa Pelissier
Level 1
With a background in Sport Science and Specialization in Psychology – Bioenergetics – and Food Science, I pivoted first to Pilates Rehabilitation after a back injury and later on I embraced Yoga. I was introduced to Iyengar Yoga in 2008 by direct students of Gabriella Giubilaro, Renato Turla and Vanda Scaravelli, in Italy, where I also attended Glenn Ceresoli’s workshops.
Yoga helped me through periods of depression and menstrual/hormonal imbalances and I found the work of Patricia Walden, Marla Apt, Lois Steinberg and Judith Hanson Lasater incredibly helpful in my personal practice. While studying under the guidance of Taya Van Roon, in Whangarei, I used yoga as a tool to manage my then stressful corporate job and I had the chance to introduce my work colleagues to the practice.
In this time I also led a Research Project for the Northland Health Board: using the DASS 21 Scale Test – used in Psychology – I measured the levels of depression, anxiety and stress of a selected group of employees within the organisation to show how a consistent yoga practice can indeed contribute to the wellbeing of the practitioners, increasing their productivity too. After having pursued my Level 1 Certification under the guidance of the Senior Teachers, Melodie Batchelor and Susie Lever, I have been teaching Teens Classes at Bali Garden, Seniors classes and Adult classes in Matakana Area.
I have been continuing my practice at Simply Yoga, learning under the expert guidance in therapeutics of Marise Craig, and more lately I have been deepening my knowledge in women’s wellbeing with personal work with Bobby Clennell. Bobby is a core faculty member of the Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York and teaches workshops around the world. Her publications The Woman’s Yoga Book and Yoga for Breast Care have been at the core of my personal work.
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Based in Matakana
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