Meet Nicole Keddie

Level 1

Nicole is a certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher and has been practicing yoga since her early 20s.

In 2017 Nicole completed her 500-hour teacher training with Sharon and Mike Byron-McKay at The New Zealand School of Yoga. She then went on to further her training with Fran Campbell at the Auckland Iyengar Centre gaining her level one Iyengar Yoga Teaching Certification (CIYT). Today; she continues her teacher development at the centre under one of New Zealand’s Senior Iyengar Yoga Teachers; Monica Haar.

Her style has a strong focus on precision; alignment and the importance of connecting the mind; body and breath into the practice. The therapeutic benefits that yoga brings; inspires and greatly influences her approach to teaching.

Nicole’s details

Phone Number/s

(027) 459-8082

Locations Nicole teaches

Indicates teacher's main studio

Based in Auckland

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