Meet Wendy Norwood

Level 3

“I have been teaching since 2003, and established the yoga moves studio in 2007. I have travelled to Pune, India 3 times in 2011, 2014 and 2017 to study with the Iyengar family at the RIMYI. I continue to practice, train with, and be inspired by, senior teachers from New Zealand and overseas.

As an Iyengar yoga teacher I love how I am able to make the practice accessible to everyone – no matter what age, ability, or condition, there is always a way to help. I take a functional and practical approach to my teaching where I hope to make it useful for students in their everyday life. While I am passionate about yoga, my passions extend outside the yoga room into the great outdoors where I love to tramp, cycle and ski. I also love travel and a good adventure, and am a keen cook.”

Wendy’s details

Locations Wendy teaches

Indicates teacher's main studio

22A Jubilee Avenue 624, Devonport, Auckland

Online Teaching

Wendy offers online classes, get in touch to arrange a session.

Based in Auckland

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