Meet Daniela Viznerova

Level 1

My path to yoga started when my physical health and mental well-being deteriorated due to my lifestyle and stressful work environment back in 2014, ultimately leading to chronic exhaustion. I needed to find the right balance for my life.

Since then, yoga has been a strong and disciplined practice for my body, mind and soul. It has helped me manage my injuries and maintain mobility and a healthy body.

These life-changing results motivated me to start my yoga teacher training in 2018 and become a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher in May 2023.

I want to pass on my inspiration for practising yoga to my students. I actively look for new ways and variations to help students fully understand the benefits of the practice and connect with their bodies.

I am thrilled to continue teaching at the Yoga Essence studio in Northcote for the remainder of this year while my studio is being built in Coatesville, which is due to open in February 2025.

Daniela’s details

Locations Daniela teaches

Indicates teacher's main studio

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